
Hello and thank you for being here! My name is Kelsey and I currently live in Wilmington, North Carolina. I first got my bachelors in studio art with a minor in biology then later went back to school to become a registered nurse. I was balancing life between nursing and making art for several years and am now pursuing art full time! I have pretty much been making art my entire life, experimenting with different mediums, but always landing back to painting and drawing. It gives me a lot of joy and calms my mind down like nothing else!  As you can see, I love using bright vibrant colors in my work. I find joy in studying my subjects and learning about them while I paint. For the most part, I use subjects from nature, whether it is a piece of fruit or a face I was inspired to paint. Making art is my passion and is something I do to bring more happiness into my life! I hope you enjoy.